
AMAZING!! 5 Unusual Colored Animal

Amazing! It is the first word comes to my mind when seeing these unusual colored animals. Want to feel the word too? Please, have a look!

1. Purple Bear

Is that a bear? Yes! It is a purple polar bear. This polar bear shocked the visitors of Mendoza Zoo in Argentina when its color changed from clear white into purple. Pelusa, the bear's name, has a different condition of skin. The people from zoo tried to cure it and gave it special treatment. The purple skin was just temporary. But the news had shocked many people in the world.

2. Orange Crocodile

A 70 years old lady, Sylvia Mythen, from Venice had discovered orange crocodile for the first time in record. She was from work when he saw the crocodile. She took the picture of it. She sent the picture to local news station and called an expert of biology who had the belief that the crocodile was just an half-albino. 

3. Spiderman-Lizard

Strange? This Mwanza Agama is a lizard from Agamidae class and found in Tanzania, Rwanda, and Kenya. This picture was famous in 2009 after some people recognized it has the same color as spiderman. This lizard cannot shoot web but change color. For the male ones, the skin will change into brown in the night or when it is scared. 

4. Pink Katydid

This pink katydid is found in Osaka and Midwest America. Katydid is commonly green. But this is an exception since it is pink. Beautiful, isn't it?

5. Colorful Chameleon

Chamaeleo Calyptratus is found in Yaman and Saudi Arabia. It is often called as Yaman chameleon. This chameleon changes its color depended on its mood, health, and body temperature. 

They are extraordinary, aren't they?


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