
An Old Man Caged His Own Grandson

Mexico City -  There's a word that suits this old man: cruel. He caged his own seven year old grandson in a wooden box. He also tied his grandson's feet to make him not to move a lot. The District Attorney of Putia De Guerrero, Victor Alonso Altamirano, reported that this tragedy which happened in Oaxaca, Mexico, was disclosed when a mysterious call told the local police that there was a kid caged in a wooden box. The local police came to the reported place and found a young boy inside a wooden box which was locked with chain and padlock.


The old man was charged for domestic violence and his grandson is now in the local social service's observation until the decision of the local authorities concerning the child's custody is declared. Some of his neighbors testify to the police that the old man likes to cage his grandson in a wooden box. There is no exact reason why he is doing this.

Reference: news.detik.com

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